Showing posts with label Stone and Sliver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stone and Sliver. Show all posts

22 May 2015


Slice the Cake Odyssey To The West

International Deathcore trio Slice the Cake are still sitting on their hotly anticipated new album Odyssey to the West and while there's still no release in sight, we have been favoured by the pastry chef gods of brutality in other ways.

And what a mighty fine way it is. This is an absolutely crushing track that only makes the wait for this record harder to bare.

If you're chomping on the bit for more Slice The Cake goodness and haven't yet read our interview with Slice The Cake voice man Gareth Mason or heard the other single from their upcoming album... well... what are you waiting for?

1 March 2015


You may claim that Pyramid Noise is rather fond of International Deathcore unit Slice The Cake, considering how often their new album has been covered. Well you'd be right. There's something about the bands output that scratches the need for Prog riffage and disgusting breakdowns at the same time, not the mention that their members are all legitimately chill individuals.

Anyway, first, the bad news:

Odyssey To The West has been delayed, in standard Valve Software fashion, until it is ready. As much of a bummer as it is, it's always good to see a band refuse to give anything apart from their best. There's a lot to be respected there. But here's the good news. A freshly baked single taken from the album. Dessert Forks at the ready!

When I spoke to vocalist Gareth Mason last week, he had this to say on Stone and Sliver:

 What can you tell us about this new single?

“Yeah, sure. So, Stone and Silver is probably the single greatest representative of the ground we end up covering on the album. It has a lot of the old-school cake vibes going on with the grandiose, epic, journeyman kind of feel it has, but shows off the more fluid and matured song writing. The vocals flow in and out of soaring cleans and the visceral harsh vocals on a more active basis. I also feel like it's a pretty important track lyrically, and elucidates some of the most important theological principles I've ever gotten my head around without giving away the meat of where the journey ends up going.”

Can you tell us a little more about where it sits in the albums story cycle? Without spoiling anything of course.

“Yeah, it's very early on. The two tracks preceding it deal with The Pilgrim leaving behind The City, so Stone and Silver Part I deals with the first day of the pilgrimage, taking the first steps and reflecting on what it is he chose to leave behind in favour of his Pilgrim's Path, and receiving the first of many revelations. It's set well before things start getting darker and more twisted but I feel like saying more would be venturing into spoiler territory.”