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Every Monday!
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Let's begin.
Anup Sastry – Titan
The world of one-man Djent projects tend to fall into certain patterns. In the minority you have the unfairly talented people who are able to play every instrument they need with more skill than most of us can dream to play one. Damn you Ben Sharp, Damn you. For mere mortals however, machine aid must be sought. Often you’ll find that an artist will track guitars and bass and shove Superior Drummer 2 in the mix for their percussive requirements. The drummer for Skyharbor, Intervals and Jeff Loomis, Anup Sastry, however, has done things in reverse. The only real instrument on this impressively meaty Djent album, are the drums, but it’s very hard to tell.

(Spoiler: Better than you’d expect.)
Nicholas Nicholas – Wrong
Brooklyn project Nicholas Nicholas’ brand of Shoegazey Dream Pop is somehow both nostalgic and comforting whilst still feeling new and interesting. Wrong feels like a distant memory, something from your childhood half forgotten. The production is unashamedly inspired by the 80’s. Old school synths, guitar and drum tones that wouldn’t feel out of place on a The Cure record and, perhaps unsurprisingly for a Shoegaze record, reverb and delay on basically everything. While it is influenced by this 30 year old sound however, it retains a sense of modernity that prevents Wrong from simply becoming another throw back release.

The guitars drone ethereally as you expect and the melodies both
from the guitar and mouth are hauntingly delayed to the point of incomprehensibility.
It is all very Shoegaze, very solid, but nothing unexpected. I don’t see the album
causing any hardcore fan of Shoegaze proclaiming this to be the future of the genre and all that came before it are now irrelevant. But it certainly is a great
example of the genre and well worth a listen.
Elizabeth Veldon – Music For The Solstice
As today marks celebrations for the Winter Solstice over on the Salisbury Plains, it seems apt to include an album released just for the occasion. Glaswegian Experimental Noise Aritst (as if there’s a non-Experimental Noise Artist) released Music For The Solstice on December 21st, which the actual date of the Solstice according to Google.

this is music for the solstice, designed for headphones.
listen in the dark, wrapped in sound.
Interested in having your band featured on this weekly article? E-mail us at with the subject line "Free Metal Monday" with links to your Bandcamp page.